Sunday, December 25, 2011

This is my Christmas Post

I realized that your life would not be complete if I didn't post a Christmas post for you. So, here goes what comes off the top of my head. As usual, it's likely to be rather rambling.

Well, I first want to say that my family is great. One cool thing that happened recently is that my family came down to pick me up from Provo. While there, my parents spoke in my brother's sacrament meeting. I thought their talks were some of the best I've ever heard. It reminded me that my parents are great. My mom is so smart and is always seeking for the truth, and my dad has a poise and attitude about him that just shows he knows the gospel is true and he will do all he can to come closer to God and bring others with him. Also in my family are my siblings, who may not have been mentioned here before. My sister Alyssa is in high school still and she's such a fun person to be around, always willing to serve and always just bouncy enough to get you excited. My brother Evan is serving as a marine in Afghanistan and he was able to call today. The call reminded me of his great story telling ability and the ability to enjoy himself even amid the harshest of conditions. My sister Chae has been able to stop by many times so far this break, which has been fun. Her sense of humor and kind words are always welcome. And my brother Chris I've always looked up to, even if I'm taller than him now.

Another amazing thing that happened recently is I was able to go through the temple to receive my own endowments just a couple days ago. This experience has caused me to look back again to see what I've been through to get there, and I'm grateful again for those who have helped me. I've also realized how much being at BYU really has prepared me for a life in gospel service and living. The professors really know how it is to be a dedicated member and how to life life according to the gospel plan. This has encouraged me to do likewise, and their advise will help make it possible. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I've had and will have to attend that wonderful university.

Lastly, I want to take a moment to talk about our Savior. He truly is amazing. Guys, the Atonement is real and complete. I encourage you all to learn as much about it as you can, by study and prayer, letting the spirit tell you what He wants you to know. The true power of the Atonement to change our lives completely is staggering, and we will never stop receiving blessings. I love my Father in Heaven and what he has done for me, and I look forward to dedicating two years of service to him.

I hope you've all had a most wonderful, happy Christmas, and I look forward to when we'll meet again.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hard to say goodbye

There are many posts I've been wanting to write. One of them was a true thanksgiving post, as the one I had was... well, lacking. So, while much of this post will express gratitude, I'm writing now not as a Thanksgiving post, but as a goodbye post.

Provo, you are definitely the high point in my life so far. It is here that I became a new creature in Christ. It is here that I started college. It is here that I met the wonderful people who I have come to count as my guardian angels and guiding stars. It is here that I became a missionary.

This post is to thank all of you who have helped me in the past two and a half years, whether or not you remember or even knew you did. Thank you for the inspiring words at the right times, both in and out of church meetings. Thank you for the listening ears, sometimes as late as four in the morning. Thank you for the chance to enjoy being a Mormon nerd. Thank you for the high standards, especially in dating. Thank you for helping me see more clearly the worth of every single son and daughter of God.

It's hard to say all I'd like to, and I know it would just become boring and repetitive. So, I'm going to close with this. Thank you, so much, for the pure, Christ-like love that you have. Never have I felt as accepted and as loved as I have here. You've put up with all my crazy antics, and loved me just the same. For this, I cannot express even a hundredth part of the thanks I have.

I wish you all the greatest couple years, and I look forward to the time we can see each other again. Until then, parakeet.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Just a little gem from Linux's fortune program

Brief History Of Linux (#1)
Re-Inventing the Wheel

Our journey through the history of Linux begins ca. 28000 B.C. when a
large all-powerful company called MoogaSoft monopolized the wheel-making
industry. As founder of the company, Billga Googagates (rumored to be the
distant ancestor of Bill Gates) was the wealthiest man in the known world,
owning several large rock huts, an extravagant collection of artwork (cave
paintings), and a whole army of servants and soldiers.

MoogaSoft's unfair business practices were irritating, but users were
unable to do anything about them, lest they be clubbed to death by
MoogaSoft's army. Nevertheless, one small group of hobbyists finally got
fed up and starting hacking their own wheels out of solid rock. Their
spirit of cooperation led to better and better wheels that eventually
outperformed MoogaSoft offerings.

MoogaSoft tried desperately to stop the hobbyists -- as shown by the
recently unearthed "Ooga! Document" -- but failed. Ironically, Billga
Googagates was killed shortly afterwards when one his own 900-pound wheels
crushed him.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Modest is not Hottest

The phrase "modest is hottest" has been getting to me recently. If you take a step back, you realize that that is not it at all. As I've thought about this phrase more, I've realized that it is inherently a contradiction.

Let me explain. I've been asked before about what I consider immodest on a girl or a guy. For girls, there are many fashions we easily recognize as immodest. Guys are a little harder, but we know there are immodest styles for men, too. In response to such questions, I've given lists, but they always include a disclaimer, "I'm not entirely sure, but I know it when I see it." The phrase "modest is hottest" has brought to my attention exactly what I "see" that lets me know something is immodest.

For men and women, I give this idea as a standard: if what you are wearing/doing/acting is "hot", you are probably being immodest.

That being said, I think the phrase reveals an underlying problem with our society. Men and women are too concerned with being "hot". While being attractive, handsome, beautiful, comely, or presentable are all great goals, I think aiming for "hot" is putting our sights in the wrong place. I admit that I like beautiful girls (surprise, surprise). I enjoy being around them and even just looking at them. But if a girl starts to feel "hot", the situation is no longer what I want to be involved in. Men and women need to step away from the fire, because we can so easily get burned.

So, I repeat. Modest is not hottest. Modest is best.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

An engineer without his calculator is...


Sorry if I offend you between now and when I get it back.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Landon, if there was anything I even liked about you...

...I'd dedicate a blog post to you.

Landon Moore is one of my roommates, and he is awesome. This is his first year in college, he's eighteen, he is planning on serving a mission, and he's single, ladies. He has a great, quirky sense of humor, but also a surprising sense of responsibility and reality. Knowing his brothers for a while, I didn't expect him to be anything like he was, because he is quite unlike his brothers. But, I still really like his coolness and ability to take everything that comes at him in stride.

So, here's to a great man. As with all my roommates, I thank hem for helping to make this the best place I've ever lived.

P.S. The quote above was said tonight in our house quite insultingly. We love each other so much here, and it often shows in how much we insult each other.

Monday, October 24, 2011

What I'm grateful for today

"One way to stop lying is to simply tell the truth." -C. Terry Warner
This quote was in a devotional at Rick's College about overcoming our negative emotions. It's titled “Repenting of Unrighteous Feelings”, given March 1, 1983. It's good.

"...I can't stop looking..." -Chris Harrison
This was in reference to my new profile picture with Travis Moore. While he didn't mean it, I laughed out loud in the lab, which I almost never do.

"Belly-buttons are for kissing!" -Travis Moore
It involved Spencer, Jeremy, Travis, a broken piano bench, and many smiles. I love my roommates.

"Hi." -Kenyon Waddoups
It doesn't need to be Kenyon Appreciation Day for me to enjoy being around one of my newest best friends.

That's all I have time for right now. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Kenyon Appreciation Day

Many of my readers will not know Kenyon Waddoups. But she is one of the coolest Home Evening sisters I could ever have. As today is Kenyon appreciation day, I felt the day wouldn't be complete if I didn't dedicate a blog post to her. So, here it is.

First, let me introduce you to her blog, here. As you can easily see, she is an excellent photographer. Also, she strives to be a good, faithful member, looking to serve and uplift others. And, while there aren't many picture of her to see there, those you can find reveal a strikingly good-looking woman.

So, a little explanation on the day: Kenyon is fun-loving, and so has come up with some awesome ideas for having fun. One such idea is to grab people's planners when they aren't looking and write "Kenyon Appreciation Day" in them, to urge the owner to spread the word about how awesome Kenyon is. I personally don't believe it's out of pride or a need for attention. It's because she happens to be self-aware and knows that people will benefit from knowing her.

So, my day was great, as I spent most of the time getting people to write notes for her day. Most were written by people who didn't know her, and many (perhaps a majority) were written by people who didn't know me. I like how BYU is so willing to do that.

Well, that concludes my post about Kenyon Appreciation Day. If you missed it, don't worry, you can always join in next time. Or, if you're feeling particularly proactive, show Kenyon your appreciation for her on some day which isn't a Kenyon Appreciation Day.

Lovies! (I got that from Scott Hampshire today... It kinda rocks, so I'm stealing it.)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A quick explanation

It ha come to my attention that some people have been taking my blog a little to literally. I wanted to set the record straight.

I don't have a car. Nor a license. So any posts involving cars are metaphoric. Additionally, other posts may be metaphors, too. I know I haven't done that before, but now you know that I'm starting too.

In other news, Facebook IRL was a fantastic success. I'm sorry for all of you who missed it, because you really just missed out. Shout out to all who were there- I like that you came.

Have a lovely day!

Monday, October 3, 2011

First Quarter

Breathing heavy, he spun around another defender, his goal in sight. This was the moment for which he'd been training for months. Three more defenders stood between him and the end-zone. One dived at him from the side, and this was his moment. He pushed off the incoming defender, using the momentum to edge sideways past the next. Putting on a last burst of speed, he plowed straight through the other defender, reaching the end-zone. Touchdown. He spikes the ball in celebration.

But something was wrong. The whistle hadn't been blown. In confusion, he looks for the ball. He sees one on the other team, having picked it up, high-stepping up and down the end-zone, obviously exuberant. The whistle blows. Looking wildly at the referee, he realizes the bitter truth; he had plowed his way to the wrong end-zone.

How could it have gone so wrong? he thought. At the end of the first quarter, the score was 7-0. His fault. He knew he was a capable athlete. What could have gotten him so turned around?

In shame, he runs to the sideline. Three quarters left... Maybe he could redeem himself before the end.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Driving down the road at night, minding my own business, when this sports car comes up the other way, just driving with its brights on. Man, does that irk me. Of course, I look down to the right, try to keep it from blinding me so I don't crash, but they saw me a mile out; why couldn't they just turn them off?

Sure, some may rationalize that it's more comfortable to drive at night with brights on, but I don't think that gives her an excuse to flash me. She signed to get that license; she agreed to the laws. It's a simple matter of respect.

I know we all have our agency, but I have no control over what environment I drive in. I don't want to be blinded, but some lights are blinding. Have they no concern about my crashing? What if I crashed into them?

Girls, turn off your flippin' brights.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Looking for a Mechanic

The entire car needs servicing: oil needs change, starter seizes up, air intake partially blocked, transmission rough, rear frame bent, flat tires, loose axles, injection timing off. Engine still seems fine. Gas and wash would also help.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I want to be blogging again

So I'm gonna try now. Because my life rocks. Except I don't know how to really express that.

One thing I'm realizing is that routine can be awesome. Change can also be awesome. I have a lot of both in my life right now. The obvious one is the change, which I've talked about last time. But routine is also good.

I go into work. I go to classes. I do homework. I sometimes eat (need to work on setting up that routine). I read scriptures. I say prayers. I go to church. Really, week in and week out, it all looks quite the same except for a few things here and there. And I love it. I used to worry about married working life, but I'm doing so less now. I can do the same things (or, at least, very similar things) and still be happy doing them.

Speaking of routine, I need to sleep. Bye!

Friday, September 9, 2011

I'll rip your face off!

I won't, actually. But I couldn't think of a title. And, yes, this may be a rant. Of what kind, I'm not sure. But by "may" I meant "will". And that '.' goes there because I want it to.

One problem I have with my blog is that I feel like everyone who reads my blog speaks to me rather often. Though, thinking about it more, I realize that isn't true. But it's felt true, so I felt like anything I could put on here would already be known by anyone reading.

So, for those who I haven't gotten to talk to much recently: Life. Rocks. (I put the periods in for spacing effect; because of how I would say it. They aren't supposed to be separate sentences, but I don't know how to indicate that.) Coming back to Provo has been an amazing blessing. I get to live with four great guys, I have fun classes with wonderful professors, and I have my favorite job again. It's the best.

Sidenote: I need to stop shrugging as I type, because it's tensing up my shoulders.

Another sidenote: I have time right now because I'm staying on campus to get Jdawgs. Oh, the things I do for free stuff.

Third sidenote: Twenty-eight free shirts!

Back to awesome. This is probably my easiest semester ever. Many of my classes have material repeated from other classes I've taken, the classes expecting you not to end up taking the other classes. So, I'm way ahead. Also, I get to play with my circuit components without stressing in the Physics 140 Electronics lab, the easiest thing ever.

Oh, use the comma for separating restatements of the same thing. I was having trouble figuring that out a moment ago. Like I said, ranting.

Hmm... My throat is hurting a bit... dang it.

Ok, to try to stop this from being a TLDR, I'll cut my rant here. I love you all!

P.S. Mr Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra. You can thank me later.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

MY office

I have an office. As a Junior in college. It's pretty cool. But we might get another TA, in which case it won't be exclusively mine. But I won't mind sharing.

I think my favorite part is the key- it says BYU right on it!

I also like being in total control of the grades... Bahaha! Jk, I'm not evil. But it was fun to organize the whole semester so I know I won't miss any grades. I just hope I don't lose any papers- it's still kinda disorganized in here from last semester.

Oh- I also have my own super huge locked cabinet to use- score!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A little bit of time

So, for those of you who don't know, the reason I haven't been updating my blog is because my laptop is out of commission. As such, I've been forced to rely on the school computers, and it's harder to find the time to do more frivolous activities, such as writing on here. But, I wanted to just add a quick update.

And, life rocks.

So, now that I've updated you...

P.S. I just went through all the blog posts I had missed. I promise, if it says I'm following you, I am following you. Seriously, turn around. Yeah, that's right. But in all seriousness, you guys rock, and I'm glad I get to know things about your lives.

P.P.S. I now have 24 free BYU shirts. This is something that makes me quite happy. Plus, I got a second free hoodie.

P.P.P.S. There's more post-script than script.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Just a thought I had

On March 11, 2011, the cure for cancer was found. When Jimmer scored 52 points, Chuck Norris cried.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I was listening to the news, and I completely agree: that was one of those games you want to be able to say, "I was there," about. I am going to laminate that ticket.

So, in case you're way behind on the times, Jimmer broke the Cougars' all-time career points record today in his 52 point game against the New Mexico Lobos. Also worth noting: he did it having only one free-throw attempt, which was his fiftieth point. Jackson Emery also added 5 more steals to his record, bringing him within 5 of the Mountain West Conference steals record.

My cape garnered attention, as usual, and brought many smiles. I wonder... no, my Jimmer cape still only shows up on Google because of this blog. But... maybe it will be there some day.

Ok, so, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's game. Time to get some sleep.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Mega-Glamorous-Mindblowingly Grand!

So, I'm currently in the "Marquee Suite" at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, having just gotten out of a bath in my jacuzzi tub and am now sitting in my so-fluffy-I'm-gonna-die complimentary robe, connected to my free wireless internet, readying myself for sleep this night. We were upgraded upon arrival from the (already free) "Queen Suite," probably due to overbooking or our request for non-smoking. Additionally, I get to go see our Women's basketball team beat Utah tomorrow using my also free tickets. This is the life. I'll tell you more later. Hope all's well wherever you are, and don't get hurt by the tsunami.

Monday, February 28, 2011

In my random readings

So, I came across this article upon recommendation of my bishop. I was reminded of it in stake conference today by Sister Jones, who mentioned how her testimony took time to become a true knowledge. It says a lot more than I can, so, I'll just let you read it.

Additionally, I do want to mention this has helped me help a friend of mine who has been struggling with not knowing if the church is true. If you know someone in that situation, I hope this can help them, too.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hiccoughing late at night

So, tomorrow is the day off, which means I'm staying up obscenely late. Yay!

My brother's birthday is today (being after midnight). This was a conversation I just had:

Nicholas Ortega -> Chris Ortega
‎"I know what day it is!"
Karen Andrade | yeah but we gotta wait for it.... just a few minutes more!!!
Nicholas Ortega | Not here in provo.
Karen Andrade | he wasn't born in Provo. lol
Nicholas Ortega | He wasn't born at midnight, either.
Karen Andrade | lol

So, I felt kinda pro, because I won. And she's my aunt, which makes the win even harder. Though she is kinda forty and active on facebook, so I don't know what that means.

In other news, I had fun tonight actually winning as a werewolf, which I almost never do. And Brenton rocks at being a werewolf, in case you didn't know.

On a more serious note, I'd like to share with you a little of my morning. Or before church. James suggested that we wipe the snow off people's cars. So, we did. What was cool was we got the whole lot done. And it felt awesome. So, what I'm saying is, service is a great way to feel great and get stuff done. I recommend it always. Because service is awesome.

Finally, I hope you all have a fantastic Monday off. If anyone wants to join me, I'll be slaving away over my homework, sometimes taking breaks to grade papers.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Won't Get Fooled Again

Leastwise, I hope not.

So, the story is this: I went to the Wilk yesterday to check out the honor week events for the day. There wasn't really anything going on, but I noticed a sign there saying Jimmer Fredette would be signing autographs in the Wilk Terrace today from 11 - 12. So, naturally, I got there at 8:30 this morning.

At about quarter to eleven a line started to form, so I went to the front of the line to ask if my being there at 8:30 qualified me for the front. They seemed to think so, and they let me take the #1 spot. So, there I am, wearing my Jimmer cape, holding a BYU Basketball t-shirt, with my blue Sharpie, ready to show Jimmer my deep respect for him, and then... nothing. Just waiting. for the next twenty minutes we debated amongst ourselves whether or not this was actually happening. One official looking person finally showed up, saying he was part of BYU Dining Services publicity. So, he called BYU Athletics and found out it all was a hoax. Thus ended today's Jimmermania.

For most.

I, however, was wearing a Jimmer cape. I was interviewed by BYU Broadcasting about why I came and, "Are we going to win the game this Saturday," to which I definitely replied, "Of course." I was given a free drink by the man in charge of BYU Dining Service's publicity, and I posed for several pictures. Also, James said his knowing me boosted his reputation with one of his professors, so he thanks me for saying hi. My hopes are that I can get enough coverage to someday get Jimmer to sign my cape. If that day ever comes, it has all been worth it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I made a Jimmer cape! It was awesome!

On a related note, I don't really know why I post things like that here, because it seems like anything anyone ever reads here I already tell (as in anything I want to post I've already told anyone who cares about me enough to read). On yet another related note, I do hope those who read these do care about me, and aren't just checking in hoping I've died.

And, Jimmer.

I got back two test this week, one of which I got a 98 on and another which was my first 100% this semester. That made me happy. And I got to grade my first CS 236 test this week. I think I'm grading fairly, the other TAs agree. But now I'm to sleeping.

Finally, Jimmer.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bored at work

Done with the homework I brought for today, done with any possible grading, no one asking for help, I sit here, searching the intertubes for something to occupy my time. And I found it: Jimmered on Facebook. It was a rather amazing read, though some o fit was more hurtful than helpful. I personally have no problem with people not being into sports of Jimmer or whatever, but I don't appreciate being told I'm wasting my life, committing idol worship, screaming my brains out. She may have been harassed by some over-zealous fans, but she over-generalizes and stereotypes, so I really don't think it was too much a punishment for the slew of Facebook posts to have been made. In the end, one delete got rid of all the comments. I just hope that the Cougarboard people start leaving her alone, as she doesn't deserve more than she already got.

P.S. Go Jimmer.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


So, it's Sunday so I wanted to give an update. But I'm limiting it to a spiritual thought.

This week has been better for me than many recent weeks. I have a feeling it has to do with my mission prep class. Brother Bott dedicated part of his lesson to overcoming depression. The one tip I found most effective for me was to not think bad about yourself. In recent posts, I've been saying things about our divine nature and other reasons we should feel good about ourselves. That's because it's something I need to remember. But cutting out any self-deprecating thoughts completely was something I hadn't tried before. This week, every negative thought about myself was redirected by something good and encouraging, and that really made a great difference for me. One idea I've often had is that one must believe they are right and act without doubt, else nothing could be done. Now, that doesn't mean we ignore faults and justify ourselves; we should still change when we need to. But going forth with the idea, "I am good, and I can do great things," really helps one to do such. And it's true! I don't know if I can emphasize this enough, but we are choice spirits of our Heavenly Father, chosen to come to this world, the world where the Savior of all eternity, for everyone, not just those here, came to make his awesome sacrifice; chosen to come when the world needs us most! It's awesome! We will have great challenges, because we can overcome them. Let yourself believe in God's belief in you, and don't believe Satan's lies that you are inadequate, for you can meet the challenge.

I love you all, and have a wonderful week.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

So, I clicked new post, and then I thought of toast

Yeah, it's kinda late, but tomorrow's Saturday, so I'll only lose as much sleep as I do any other day.

I'm realizing I haven't made a normal post this week. Just Sunday's, but that's my spiritual stuff. So, here's a quick update:

Nothing happened this week. And I lost the game.

But I'm excited for the basketball game tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Super Flirt

So, in some circles, I'm rather known for being amazingly flirtacious. I felt like sharing some of what I consider my better "flirts", in hopes that you will enjoy. This may become a minor theme of my blog, btw. Let me know what you think. In all cases, subjects' names are replaced with Mary, for privacy.

Mary: Oh, no, that's not my name.
Nick: Oh, you know what? That's someone from back home you really remind me of.
Mary: Oh, well, did you like her?
Nick: Well, I got to take her to a dance; will i get the same pleasure with you?
(later, at the end of ward prayer)
Nick: Hey, why don't you stick around so I can flirt with you some more?

Mary: Well, I just gave up, so I'm leaving boys up to the Lord.
Nick: Oh, so I should file my resumé with Him?

Ok, I'll stop there for the night. If enough of y'all like this, I'll keep adding more. If this offends you, I guess I'll stop it. So, until next time, happy flirting!

P.S. Men's and Women's Basketball won again tonight! Go Cougars!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Start your engines

So, right now, I just want to go with the flow; just blog about whatever comes up. So this will be a little glimpse into my unfiltered mind. Don't scream to loudly at the horror which you may soon behold.

Magic! Magic and dolphins. And squirrels. They like nuts. I feel a little nutty sometimes. Like right now. Whale. If you go to school without parents, you're normal. If you go to school without pants, you aren't. I'm parakeet. This is all a lot better if you hear a person on a major sugar rush reading really really fast. Yay! Swing time! And the park kind, not the music kind. Though music is cool too. I want to make a toast. As in a piece of toast. And I dedicate my toast to penguins. They totally deserve it, always. Now, pastry man, Donald Duck has a little recitation for you. He is very angry with your cheese puffs and will have you banished from the kingdom of Rohan forthwith. Please direct all complaints to the lady at the next window. Have a safe drive and watch out for falling off the Grand Canyon because that hurts. Cows say moo. Moo! My pajamas are non-existent. Piano man.

Now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'll go about the rest of daily life. Mornin', y'all!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What are we fighting for?

So, I was thinking about this quote from the Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers:

Sam: "It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. 'Cause sometimes you didn't want to know the end, because how could the end be happy? How can the world go back to the way it was, when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. A shadow, even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you, that meant somethin', even if you were to small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folks in those stories had lots of chances in turning back; only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto to something."
Frodo: "What are we holding onto, Sam?"
Sam: "That there's some good left in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."

Now, I don't claim to be at all wise or anything, but I felt like this was rather applicable, perhaps in all our lives. I know many of you hear how I talk about myself. But, as you're a reader of my blog, I'l let you in on a little secret: I don't really think I'm that great. Of course, I get to see all the little mistakes I make that no one else sees. In any case, I've liked this quote for a long time, but in church today a slight modification came to my mind (perhaps inspiration; I'll let you decide) that said, "There's come good left in you, ant that's worth fighting for."

I hope we can all remember that. When you're feeling down on yourself, and you don't know if there's even anything left to work towards, remember that there is still good inside you, and you personally. In my mission prep class, Brother Bott said that in the book of Abraham, when Abraham saw the vision of the noble and great ones, modern revelation tells us that each of us, here on the earth fighting for righteousness in the last days, were among those noble and great ones. 3:23 "And God saw these souls that they were good." He knows your potential and your faithfulness. So, who are you gonna believe: your imperfect, unknowning self, or the perfect God who created you and knows you better than anyone on earth can?

Know that you are good, and go forth with confidence.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Waiting for the worms

So, today's been a little bit of madness. But it's all ok, because the game last night was AWESOME!!!!!!!! (eight exclamation points, in case you don't want to count (I had to recount)). But, yeah, I'm glad no one bothers to kick people out of the Clyde, otherwise I'd be in trouble. Well, not really. I'd just be walking home and my brother would be in trouble. Speaking of, he'll be in trouble if he doesn't get back soon. I want out of here! But it's ok, because the game was worth it. So worth it. Except I do need sleep for my concert tomorrow... I forgot about that. Stupid sleeping and its being necessary.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wordiness and other small things

So, I realized something the other day: when I get tired, I get wordy. At least, I do when writing. Usually, my writing is rather like unto my normal speaking voice. But when I get tired, I tend to write in more of the large words that I have grown accustomed to removing from daily speech because of years of being misunderstood (no offense to you, I just had some dumb friends growing up). So, yeah, that's what I was going to say about that.

Also, I'm kinda upset that the lining up system for the SDSU game was so improvised. I would have liked a seat, but it feels rather unlikely at this point. And, by rather unlikely, I mean it would take a bit of a miracle. Maybe thirty people falling down the stairs at the same time or something. I don't hope that happens. But I do hope something else happens. That, preferably, doesn't leave anyone seriously maimed.

In conclusion, I was seriously let down today when someone else in my apartment received a piece of mail in a regular letter envelope, since it's been a month now since last hearing from a certain special someone. Well.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Stepping back

So, I've realized that this is interfering with my sleep, and as much as I wouldn't mind that, we were reminded in church today that early to bed is a commandment. So, what's my spiritual thought for the week, and I'll update this when I can without staying up. Good night!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I don't know what to blog about today.

I went to another women's basketball victory. That was fun. And I did a little homework, but not enough. I also got to go to Sparks for the first time (just for drinks (No, not that kind! (They don't even serve that kind.))), which was nice. And "winning" (because people gave up) curses was satisfying.

But... I feel like something's missing. I don't know what. I think I just need to leave my mind for a little while and just let the little men sort out the problem. Sleep...

The nerd in me

So, I've been realizing I do spend a considerable amount of time on here, writing these blog entries. Thinking about it, I think it's the nerd in me excited to have a new park to play in.

This semester, I'm taking CS 252, intro to computing theory, ECEn 370, probability theory, MATH 334, differential equations, MUSIC 101, mission prep, and men's chorus. From this schedule, it's obvious that the majority of my time is spent working with abstract mathematics and numbers. Men's Chorus gives me a music fix, as does Music 101. But none of my classes have me write much of anything, ever. Being the well rounded nerd I am, I want to have the opportunity to nerd in any area. Now, I recognize my list is not even partially comprehensive. I simply note that writing and other English-related activities are farthest from what my nerd (who, by the way, is named Albert, a name I picked up from my step-brother, Evan) is currently involved in. Now, I also recognize that this isn't much for any sort of rigor in the above-mentioned category. But it still gives me a bit of work with words, which truly has been missing of late. So, thank you Aubrie for convincing me to flip a coin, because now my nerd is running around saying, "Cool!" and, "Ooh, shiny!"

Friday, January 21, 2011

You can sleep when you're dead!

I did quite like today. I got to help people, which is awesome. I also got to really teach a student who was struggling with a concept. Most of my TA work ends up being pointing out solution methods or quick fixes, but today I really had to teach, and I loved it.

Unfortunately, writing quality seems to go down for me as the night wears on, and it is already half past two, so I'm not getting much out tonight, I don't think. However, I can go on a random journey of words for a bit.

As I typed, "night wears on," I was unsure if that was the correct usage of the word "wear". So, I looked up the definition. The most applicable definition was, "deteriorate through use or stress." I suppose that means we could all say we wear excessively. However, that definition seems incomplete based on common usage. More accurate could be, "deteriorate through use or stress toward being," as in, "I begin to wear thin," which would become, "I deteriorate through stress toward being thin." Dictionaries probably avoid my awkward definition for a good reason, though. Direct substitution is never correct in the English language in any case, as each word brings with it the history of the word, and therefore the proper contexts and connotations associated with it. As such, choosing the right word is most crucial when wanting to convey thoughts with precision.

Apparently I can act like I know something about words (while misspelling appearantly apparantly apparently three times). Of course, Lynnae can box me about my ears without trying, as can most I've met. P.S. Shout-out to my newest and first non-Provoian follow, Emily Hsieh! How'a'ya' doin'? (That's really how I'd say it.)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I understand what cleaning checks are for. This is ridiculous.

So, i figured I've had my blog for a week now, so it was time to make it legit and include an angsty rant!

<rant> So, cleaning checks. A part of college life, I suppose. To ensure that we keep up with our cleaning so buildings don't decompose due to buildup of microbes under dirty, ignored areas. I don't have a problem with that. Fail me if I didn't clean the back corner of the counter, where no one ever looks and is therefore likely to fester into something nasty. That's fine. And make me pay for the cleaners that come because you need to keep the building livable, for my good as much as for your own. But if you have the audacity to say that I need to pay thirty dollars because I was in a hurry in the morning and didn't make my bed, and then not have anyone come in to make it, that's over the line. That's entirely unacceptable. That's where the power of being the cleaning check lady is just too much for you. It's as if she didn't even try to hide the blatant idiocy of her actions, as if she wanted me to gape in awe of her ability to be that ballsy. Allow me to clarify the circumstances: I stay up way too late getting my cleaning check done and am tired silly in the morning. Attempting to get a letter off before the mail leaves that day, I rush and forget to make the bed. I don't pass. That night, I stay up way too late again doing the homework I had to put off due to the cleaning check. The next morning, I wake up late and rush out the door again. Cleaning check lady comes by, and charges twenty-five dollars for "professionals" to come correct my job, i.e., make my bed. They don't come, I've gotten 8 hours of sleep in two days, and thirty dollars charged for exactly what I spent all those hours not sleeping trying to avoid. That's just sick and wrong. Side note: if you ask my roommate, he'll tell you that I usually make my bed, and that it is my made bed which often inspires him to make his.</rant>

In the end, it'll probably be alright. I'll explain the situation to management, and they'll probably remove the charge completely. I just wish they'd save us both some time by changing the cleaning check system a little.

On a separate thread, squirrel.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happiness is...

So, I had a pretty good day. It all started when I woke up, because that meant the assassins had failed yet again.

Devotional was great, TAing is great, I got to catch the last of the men's basketball game, and got a high-five from one of the women's soccer players without even asking or anything! But, most especially, I loved being with the BYU Men's Chorus at retreat. Honestly, it always seems to go by too quickly. We're there for four hours, but I never notice the time. And the way those men can sing really brings the spirit and a feeling of belonging and comfort.

So today, happiness is.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Food coma... Blargh...

Pizza Pie Cafe is pretty good, but having much left to do tonight, maybe it wasn't a good idea. I'll figure out how to get by this, though, I'm sure.

So, I'm writing a little early so, if all else fails, I'll be out of my room when Kunkee wants to be sleeping. But before I go sleeping, I've still my cleaning check to prepare for and a letter to write. At least those two things, if not more. come on, food coma, give me a little more time!

But today was rather awesome. Got up on time this morning to go to the Community Outreach Day with Y Serve. I got to practice for my cleaning check! And Lynnae and I went to see Despicable Me, which truly is a great movie, and if you disagree I'll not listen to what you say. And epic times with chickens and beans turning into ducks while bears and squiggles turn into bunnies and snails. Yay!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

No, I will not give up.

So, I knew I shouldn't start a blog. I knew I'd get trapped by it and never allow myself to skip when I needed to. And now, it's almost two, and I'm stuck here, writing this. I blame the coin. Why must I be OCD about doing nothing part way. Ugh... getting up at 7 will be hard. Very hard.

But, I did want to blog today anyway, because it (today) was awesome. I got invited to a group date having dinner and playing games with Leigh Averett, a friend of a friend here at BYU. It was just about the best time ever. We had stir fry, and I got to use chopsticks, and there was pumpkin pie, and then we played bang, which I had never played before, but if you haven't, I recommend finding the time and place to play it, because it's awesome. Thank you, Leigh.

I want to include something spiritual each Sunday because of the day, so this week I'll start with my favorite scripture/ life mantra. It's found in the New Testament, the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, fourth chapter, thirteenth verse:
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." I like it because it's so simply true, and quite the essence of the gospel, in my opinion. Christ gave His life for all of us, infinitely, and individually, and so offers us His divine power to do anything we must face. Never forget His power, and that He loves you.

Aside from that, I don't think my post has been random enough, but I don't really have anything else to say... Maybe I'll just go to bed and be ready to serve tomorrow. Ok, peace out, y'all biscuit-heads! (5 points for the reference)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Writers' Block

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I don't actually have writers' block, I just thought that might be mildly entertaining. And since the majority of what appears in my posts is likely to only be mildly entertaining, I deemed it worthy of inclusion. Stop reading my blog if you disagree. Except don't, because then I'll cry. No, I won't. Well, I will, but not because you stopped following my blog. And probably not shortly thereafter or anything. It's just probable that I will cry at some point following the event of you ending your period of following my blog. Which, if ended now, would be rather short

So, I've been feeling pretty random today. Though I didn't do much. I did get a lot of homework done, but that's pretty much all. I need to do something epic! Like climb a mountain or score another basket on the Marriot Center court, or... I should start a band. Except I shouldn't, because I don't have time. Oh well, I'll be epic next year.

Edit: Man, I hate this game! Stupid HTML messing up my awesome-sauce ASCII block of the writers. Ruining. All. Life. Everywhere. Do you have any idea how long that block took? No, you don't. But that's ok. Though I wish I could have gotten it to line up better... but I'm done messing with it.


Sometimes, being completely spontaneous is good.

Last Friday, I was in the Wilkinson Center as Y Serve was putting on a Charity Date Auction, where students were able to bid service hours for a date. One guy went for 55 hours! But that's not the point of this post. One lady there bid pretty high, up to 40 hours, I think, without getting a date. So, after all was done, I decided to just walk up to her and ask her out. So, after she agreed to go with me, I asked her name.

Tonight was that date. We had a good two-hour-or-so conversation, and the whole thing was quite enjoyable. We went to see a concert. It was... modern. Which means interesting, but nothing I'd ever listen to on my own. Some parts were rather cool, but the composer seemed to try too hard to stay strange. Oh well, the date was good.

It did somewhat remind me of another somewhat spontaneous act of deciding to stay up until 4 am to see a moon rise... but I'm not going into that story, just to spite you, Jon Kunkee!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'll come up with a title later. Or not.

The title, honestly, is not bad. I'm feeling a little apathetic now, for some unknown reason. I had a pretty decent day, I think. I got a lot of work done, got to see Condoleezza Rice speak (from the third row of the center section, not bad seats if I do say so myself), helped a deaf man understand grammars, helped my brother with homework, and proof-read a roommate's assignment. I also got some light reading (in my 252 textbook, in which I am currently 3 chapters ahead) done, and had the pleasure of singing with the Men's Chorus. Sorry if that list was of no benefit to you, but it has done me the good of feeling a little less apathetic, having accomplished something.

Apathy isn't a good place for me to be. I think I'll watch Youtube.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

F!R5T P05T

So, I just heard I had a follower. I haven't even posted anything. That's cool.

Yeah, I'm Nick, and a lot of my friends have blogs, and they've been asking if I had one, and I didn't and I didn't really think I'd get one, but I might as well try it out, eh? I have no idea if this will ever follow a theme of any sort, but maybe it'll entertain me for a few days.

Honestly, I decided to start this just by flipping a coin. It came up heads, so I logged on and started blogging. Perhaps not the best method of choice, but it works, neh? (P.S. That "neh" is something I picked up from battle school.)

I went to the women's basketball game versus the U of U today. We kicked serious trash. And, afterwards, we, the members of BYU's Blue Crew, had a little pizza party with the team members. It was rather fantastic. I enjoyed it, at least.

Oh, by the way, if you care about me enough to actually follow my blog, I also recommend checking out my pictures on facebook. I don't post super often, but they're usually pretty high quality. Just sayin'.

Well, at this point, I'm already out of things to say. Perhaps I'll get better at this as time goes on. We'll see. Until next time, parakeet.