Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hiccoughing late at night

So, tomorrow is the day off, which means I'm staying up obscenely late. Yay!

My brother's birthday is today (being after midnight). This was a conversation I just had:

Nicholas Ortega -> Chris Ortega
‎"I know what day it is!"
Karen Andrade | yeah but we gotta wait for it.... just a few minutes more!!!
Nicholas Ortega | Not here in provo.
Karen Andrade | he wasn't born in Provo. lol
Nicholas Ortega | He wasn't born at midnight, either.
Karen Andrade | lol

So, I felt kinda pro, because I won. And she's my aunt, which makes the win even harder. Though she is kinda forty and active on facebook, so I don't know what that means.

In other news, I had fun tonight actually winning as a werewolf, which I almost never do. And Brenton rocks at being a werewolf, in case you didn't know.

On a more serious note, I'd like to share with you a little of my morning. Or before church. James suggested that we wipe the snow off people's cars. So, we did. What was cool was we got the whole lot done. And it felt awesome. So, what I'm saying is, service is a great way to feel great and get stuff done. I recommend it always. Because service is awesome.

Finally, I hope you all have a fantastic Monday off. If anyone wants to join me, I'll be slaving away over my homework, sometimes taking breaks to grade papers.

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