Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Super Flirt

So, in some circles, I'm rather known for being amazingly flirtacious. I felt like sharing some of what I consider my better "flirts", in hopes that you will enjoy. This may become a minor theme of my blog, btw. Let me know what you think. In all cases, subjects' names are replaced with Mary, for privacy.

Mary: Oh, no, that's not my name.
Nick: Oh, you know what? That's someone from back home you really remind me of.
Mary: Oh, well, did you like her?
Nick: Well, I got to take her to a dance; will i get the same pleasure with you?
(later, at the end of ward prayer)
Nick: Hey, why don't you stick around so I can flirt with you some more?

Mary: Well, I just gave up, so I'm leaving boys up to the Lord.
Nick: Oh, so I should file my resumé with Him?

Ok, I'll stop there for the night. If enough of y'all like this, I'll keep adding more. If this offends you, I guess I'll stop it. So, until next time, happy flirting!

P.S. Men's and Women's Basketball won again tonight! Go Cougars!


  1. Well, the majority of my recent flirting has been with you. Probably because of how awesome you are ;)

  2. Bahahaha! I love the lines. It's hilarious. :)
