This week has been better for me than many recent weeks. I have a feeling it has to do with my mission prep class. Brother Bott dedicated part of his lesson to overcoming depression. The one tip I found most effective for me was to not think bad about yourself. In recent posts, I've been saying things about our divine nature and other reasons we should feel good about ourselves. That's because it's something I need to remember. But cutting out any self-deprecating thoughts completely was something I hadn't tried before. This week, every negative thought about myself was redirected by something good and encouraging, and that really made a great difference for me. One idea I've often had is that one must believe they are right and act without doubt, else nothing could be done. Now, that doesn't mean we ignore faults and justify ourselves; we should still change when we need to. But going forth with the idea, "I am good, and I can do great things," really helps one to do such. And it's true! I don't know if I can emphasize this enough, but we are choice spirits of our Heavenly Father, chosen to come to this world, the world where the Savior of all eternity, for everyone, not just those here, came to make his awesome sacrifice; chosen to come when the world needs us most! It's awesome! We will have great challenges, because we can overcome them. Let yourself believe in God's belief in you, and don't believe Satan's lies that you are inadequate, for you can meet the challenge.
I love you all, and have a wonderful week.
I'm glad you shared this! It was something I needed to hear. I think I need to not only think positive about myself, but about others as well. I have been so negative lately. If you hear me complain, just stop me kay? /♥