The phrase "modest is hottest" has been getting to me recently. If you take a step back, you realize that that is not it at all. As I've thought about this phrase more, I've realized that it is inherently a contradiction.
Let me explain. I've been asked before about what I consider immodest on a girl or a guy. For girls, there are many fashions we easily recognize as immodest. Guys are a little harder, but we know there are immodest styles for men, too. In response to such questions, I've given lists, but they always include a disclaimer, "I'm not entirely sure, but I know it when I see it." The phrase "modest is hottest" has brought to my attention exactly what I "see" that lets me know something is immodest.
For men and women, I give this idea as a standard: if what you are wearing/doing/acting is "hot", you are probably being immodest.
That being said, I think the phrase reveals an underlying problem with our society. Men and women are too concerned with being "hot". While being attractive, handsome, beautiful, comely, or presentable are all great goals, I think aiming for "hot" is putting our sights in the wrong place. I admit that I like beautiful girls (surprise, surprise). I enjoy being around them and even just looking at them. But if a girl starts to feel "hot", the situation is no longer what I want to be involved in. Men and women need to step away from the fire, because we can so easily get burned.
So, I repeat. Modest is not hottest. Modest is best.
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